Born and bred in Somerset, I was lucky enough to find The Farm when I moved from Bristol to the Chew Valley with my husband and two young children. Prior to this I had a few wonderful years in Asia, working for a branding company in the amazing Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, as well as a stint in advertising and marketing in London. Working at The Farm has opened my eyes to the values of eating and growing sustainably as well as the importance of fostering strong local communities, for which I'll be eternally grateful! When not working I can be found walking my cocker spaniel and exploring all the beautiful countryside the Chew Valley has to offer!
About Us
Annabel Wallace
- Communications & Events Officer
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We also have a team of fantastic regular volunteers who help us on the field, in the warehouse and for specific projects. Too numerous to mention here, and ever-changing, their support, commitment and enthusiasm is much appreciated by all of us at The Farm.
Find out about our volunteering opportunities.