Join us at The Farm in 2024 Find out how to get involved!

About Us

Phoebe Ruxton

Phoebe moved to Bristol seven years ago after life in France and Shropshire. She has worked in several small businesses and third sector organisations in Bristol since, including FareShare South West (a surplus food redistribution charity) which opened her eyes to the national picture of food injustice and our thoroughly broken food system. It also made her no stranger to food warehouses, potatoes by the tonne and food box packing! Phoebe holds a Diploma in Fundraising and brings her experience working in business development, comms and fundraising development to the management committee alongside her enthusiasm for The Community Farm as a model for a fairer food system.

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We also have a team of fantastic regular volunteers who help us on the field, in the warehouse and for specific projects. Too numerous to mention here, and ever-changing, their support, commitment and enthusiasm is much appreciated by all of us at The Farm.

Find out about our volunteering opportunities.