Born in Croydon, South London, our family holidays to the countryside (combined with a love of food) created a basic curiosity in where food comes from. My education focused on business: Business Studies at school, Management at university, and then Financial Audit and becoming a Chartered Accountant as a graduate. But it was an organic veg box in Brisbane, some stern words from my partner, and the purchase of a campervan that persuaded me to spend six months on organic farms in Australia; this lit a passion for food and farming that helped me realise just how vital these things are when trying to look after our own health as well as that of the land. Following my return to the UK, I decided to pursue an MSc in Sustainable Agriculture. It was during these studies that I was lucky to start volunteering at The Community Farm. The rest is history! As Managing Director I am bringing together my experiences of both business and farming to guide The Community Farm forwards as it navigates turbulent times.
About Us
Kim Brooks
- Managing Director
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We also have a team of fantastic regular volunteers who help us on the field, in the warehouse and for specific projects. Too numerous to mention here, and ever-changing, their support, commitment and enthusiasm is much appreciated by all of us at The Farm.
Find out about our volunteering opportunities.