Join us at The Farm in 2024 Find out how to get involved!

About Us

Claire Bloor

Claire is Chief Executive of Somerset and Avon Rape and Sexual Abuse Support and has worked in the voluntary and social enterprise sector for 20 years. Her family rented a house in the field next to the Community Farm in 2018, became box customers, and were impressed by the work of The Farm. Born and raised in Dublin, Claire has always been passionate about social justice. She has a degree in politics and social policy and worked in the homelessness sector in Ireland before moving to London where, for three years, she supported apprentices at the Jamie Oliver Fifteen Foundation. Claire’s love of food and farming blossomed during this period. Then, after ten years in Australia working as a senior manager in policy and charities, Claire returned to the UK with her partner and two young children, switching from city life in Sydney to the joys of rural Somerset, and they are loving it.

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We also have a team of fantastic regular volunteers who help us on the field, in the warehouse and for specific projects. Too numerous to mention here, and ever-changing, their support, commitment and enthusiasm is much appreciated by all of us at The Farm.

Find out about our volunteering opportunities.