Join us at The Farm in 2024 Find out how to get involved!

About Us

Angela Raffle

  • Chair

Angela is a medical doctor with a grown-up family and lives in Bristol. She was part of the group of volunteers that established The Farm in 2010. She’s been on the management committee since the beginning, and became Chair in April 2015. Her motivation comes from a commitment to social justice and the care of the natural world. After qualifying in medicine, completing junior hospital jobs, and working for a while in Africa, Angela moved to Bristol in 1984. She worked as a Consultant in Public Health, and then became involved in Transition Bristol in 2008 and Bristol’s Food Policy Council in 2011.

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We also have a team of fantastic regular volunteers who help us on the field, in the warehouse and for specific projects. Too numerous to mention here, and ever-changing, their support, commitment and enthusiasm is much appreciated by all of us at The Farm.

Find out about our volunteering opportunities.